Taneem Jan

Taneem Jan

AI Researcher and Engineer

about me

Currently working independently and contributing to the advancement in the field of neural head avatars and virtual humans using computer vision, graphics, and deep neural networks. Prior to this, I worked as Research AI Engineer at BHuman AI. I have done my undergrad from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. Where I pursued my passion for computer science and machine learning under the supervision of Dr. Zakira Inayat.


research work

    Taneem Ullah Jan & Ayesha Noor
    International Conference on Innovations in Computing Technologies and Information Sciences (ICTIS) 2024 and IJIST Special Issue
    Track: Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition & Image Processing
    [Project Page] [PDF]
  2. lipsync2: Talking Face Generation with Most Accurate Lip Synchronization
    Taneem Ullah Jan
    Work done at and for BHuman AI
    [Project Page]
  3. face2face: One–Shot Talking Head Video Generation from a Static Source Image
    Taneem Ullah Jan
    Work done at and for BHuman AI
    [Project Page]
  4. face–swapping: Swapping Faces on Target from given Sources
    Taneem Ullah Jan
    Work done at and for BHuman AI
    [Project Page]
  5. JEAS
    HTML Code Generation from Images with Deep Neural Networks
    Taneem Ullah Jan & Dr. Zakira Inayat
    Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS) 2022
    Topic: Computer System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
  6. research project
    LaTeX Formula Code Generation from Images
    Taneem Ullah Jan
    Personal research project
    [Project Page]